
haoldin cetifricates

Chicago State University Recreation and Program is accredited by the (COAPRT) Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions. COAPRT accredits baccalaureate programs in: parks, recreation, tourism, sport management, event management, therapeutic recreation, and leisure studies offered at regionally accredited institutions within the United States and its territories, and at nationally accredited institutions in Canada and Mexico.


University Annual Report Letter 2022



Program Assessment - Data Analysis

pdf Recreation 2000 Fall 2021

pdf Recreation 4000 Fall 2021

pdf Recreation 4240 Spring 2021

pdf Recreation 4500 Spring 2021

pdf Recreation 4500 Fall 2021

pdf Recreation 4540 Fall 2021

pdf Recreation Fact Sheet


Prepares students to deliver therapeutic recreation services (e.g. client assess-ment; plan, implement and evaluate programs) in a variety of settings to individuals with disabilities, illnesses, and special needs who need assistance in developing skills for and experiencing leisure. Graduates may work in:

  • Municipal and county park recreation departments
  • Camps and camping programs
  • Non-profit organizations (YMCAs/YWCAs, Boys Clubs, Girl Clubs, etc.)
  • Corporate recreation departments
  • Commercial recreation providers
  • Campus recreation
  • Resorts and resort communities
  • Military recreation departments
  • Other youth and community agencies


Your interest in studying recreation comes at a turning point regarding the way in which our society values recreation and leisure. More and more people are turn-ing towards their leisure pursuits for self-fulfillment, creative expression, wellness and enjoyment.

The delivery of recreation and leisure services has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Well-educated individuals are needed to create, manage and execute high-quality recreation programs for youth and community agencies, health care facilities, health clubs, sports facil-ities, municipal parks and recreation de-partments, resorts, entertainment places, schools, colleges and universities.

Moreover, the employment outlook for college graduates with a major in recre-ation/leisure is very bright. Job oppor-tuntities within the recreation field continue to be strong, as the Department of Labor projects that Recreation Pro-fessionals will be one of the fastest growing job opportunities in the near future!

The success of recent Chicago State University (CSU) graduates in all areas of recreation and leisure studies confirms the projections by the Department of Labor and reflects the respect that employers have for CSU in the field of recreation.

If you enjoy:

  • living, playing, and engaging in recreation activities
  • designing, organizing, planning, and implementing recreation programs
  • working with people
  • enabling people to live richer, fuller, happier lives
  • promoting healthy lifestyles through recreation, sport and/or fitness programs…

…then the undergraduate program in Recreation at Chicago State University may be the place for you.

CSU's undergraduate Recreation Program provides students with a comprehensive, high quality, yet af-fordable course of study relating to General Recreation, Recreation Management, Sport Studies, and Therapeutic Recreation. In addition to the opportunity for interaction with a very talented "student-centered" faculty, students are afforded numerous opportunities for professional development. Students are encouraged to participate in state and national conferences with other recreation professionals, take field trips to appropriate recreation facilities, participate in the Recreation Major's Club (Phi Lambda Sigma), and engage in fieldwork at a variety of agencies.

"Degree mills and accreditation mills mislead and harm. In the United States, degrees and certificates from mills may not be acknowledged by other institutions when students seek to transfer or go to graduate school. Employers may not acknowledge degrees and certificates from degree mills when providing tuition assistance for continuing education. “Accreditation” from an accreditation mill can mislead students and the public about the quality of an institution. In the presence of degree mills and accreditation mills, students may spend a good deal of money and receive neither an education nor a useable credential." Read more on CHEA's website.


Concentraton of Study

The professional program of study is designed to prepare graduates for a career in the recreation and leisure industry. The Recreation Program at CSU offers two emphasis areas:

The PRSA emphasis area prepares students for multiple opportunities in the recreation field.  PRSA prepares graduates for leadership in supervisory and administrative positions in park and recreation departments, youth and community agencies, commercial recreation, fitness and health facilities, resort areas, campus recreation, and arm forces/military. Upon completion of a recreation degree from the CSU accredited program student qualify to pursue becoming a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) via national examination by the National Parks and Recreation Association (

  • Municipal and county park recreation departments
  • Camps and camping programs
  • Non-profit organizations (YMCAs/YWCAs, Boys Clubs, Girl Clubs, etc.)
  • Corporate recreation departments
  • Commercial recreation providers
  • Campus recreation
  • Resorts and resort communities
  • Military recreation departments
  • Other youth and community agencies
University Core Requirements: (36-42 hours)
Composition (6 hours)
ENG 1230/1270 3 cr. Writers’ Workshop I or Composition I
ENG 1280 3 cr. Composition II
Foreign Language (6 hours): In Sequence
Math (3 hours)
Math 3 cr.  
Physical and Life Science (6 hours)

(Must take one laboratory course)
BIOL 1080 3 cr. Biol. Sc. Survey II
Ph S 1080* 3 cr. Critical Thinking about Technology
Critical Thinking (3 hours)
*Ph S 1080 also fills this requirement
Social Sciences (9 hours)
SOC 1010 3 cr. Intro. to Sociology
POL 1010 3 cr. American National Government
PSYC 1100 3 cr. Intro. to Psychology
Humanities (6 hours)
CMAT 1130 or 2030 3 cr. Basic Speech Comm. or Comm. for Professionals
Fine Art Elective 3 cr.  
Diversity (3 hours)
Core Requirements (46 hours)
PE/REC 1900 1 cr. Seminar in Physical Education
REC 1000 3 cr. Intro. to Leisure Studies
REC 2000 3 cr. Program Planning for Leisure Studies
REC 2010 3 cr. Philosophy of Leisure & Recreation
ED 4312

(REC 2070)
3 cr. Tech. for PE & Rec. Prof.
REC 2200 3 cr. Leadership & Supervision in Leisure & Recreation
REC 2300 3 cr. Outdoor Rec. & Team Build.
REC 2580 3 cr. Leisure Programming for Adults in Later Life
REC 4000 3 cr. Facility Mgt. & Design
REC 4240 3 cr. Mgt. of Leisure Service Delivery Systems
REC 4300 3 cr. Overview of TR Services
REC 4500 3 cr. Program Evaluation & Research in Leis. & Rec.
REC 4540 3 cr. Seminar & Methodology in Recreation
REC 4750 9 cr. Internship
Supportive Courses (10 hours)
HS 1570 2 cr. First Aid
PE 2140 2 cr. Movement Concepts & Dance
REC/PE 2360 2 cr. Aquatics for PE & Recreation
PE 2380 2 cr. Lifetime Sports
PE 2390 2 cr. Team Sports
Directed Electives (12-15 hours)
General Recreation Specialty (10-13 hours)

(Any REC., PE, or HPER courses)
REC 4100 or REC 4400 3 cr. Commercial or Community Recreation
Please note the following guidelines:
  • A grade of C or above is required in all recreation courses and supportive courses, either as transfer credit or completed at CSU.
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours must be completed at CSU with a cumulative GPA of 2.5


The TR emphasis area prepares students to deliver therapeutic recreation services. Services include assessing individuals; planning, implementing, and evaluating recreation programs for people with disabilities, illnesses, and special needs. Many of whom may need assistance in developing skills for leisure involvement.  An individual pursuing a career in Therapeutic Recreation is involved in using recreation as a tool to work with people with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental illness, limitations due to aging, dependency on alcohol or other drugs, or work with youth who considered at-risk.  Graduates may work in rehabilitation centers, hospitals, nursing homes, childcare agencies, correctional facilities, schools, parks and recreation agencies, and other health and human service agencies. 


Upon completion of the degree from the CSU accredited program students qualify to pursue becoming a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) through the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification ( and Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) via national examination by the National Parks and Recreation Association ( 

University Core Requirements: (44-50 hours)
Composition (6 hours)
ENG 1230/1270 3 cr. Writers’ Workshop I or Composition I
ENG 1280 3 cr. Composition II
Foreign Language (6 hours): In Sequence
Math (3 hours)
Math 3 cr.  
Pysical and Life Science (14 hours)
(Must take one laboratory course)
BIOL 1080 3 cr. Biol. Sc. Survey II
Ph S 1080 3 cr. Critical Thinking about Tech.
ZOOL 2050* 4 cr. Human Function Anatomy
PSLY 2040* 4 cr. Human Physiology
*Anatomy and Physiology can be a combined course from another institution. If taken as one class from another institution students will need another elective under “Directed Electives”
Critical Thinking (3 hours)
*Ph S 1080 also fills this requirement
Social Sciences (9 hours)
SOC 1010 3 cr. Intro. to Sociology
POL 1010 3 cr. American National Government
PSYC 1100 3 cr. Intro. to Psychology
Humanities (6 hours)
CMAT 1130 or 2030 3 cr. Basic Speech Comm. or Comm. for Professionals
Fine Art Elective 3 cr.  
Diversity (3 hours)
Core Requirements (46 hours)
PE/REC 1900 1 cr. Seminar in Physical Education
REC 1000 3 cr. Intro. to Leisure Studies
REC 2000 3 cr. Program Planning for Leisure Studies
REC 2010 3 cr. Philosophy of Leisure & Recreation
ED 4312
(REC 2070)
3 cr. Tech. for PE & Rec. Prof.
REC 2200 3 cr. Leadership & Supervision in Leisure & Recreation
REC 2300 3 cr. Outdoor Rec. & Team Build.
REC 2580 3 cr. Leisure Programming for Adults in Later Life
REC 4000 3 cr. Facility Mgt. & Design
REC 4240 3 cr. Mgt. of Leisure Service Delivery Systems
REC 4300 3 cr. Overview of TR Services
REC 4500 3 cr. Program Evaluation & Research in Leis. & Rec.
REC 4540 3 cr. Seminar & Methodology in Recreation
REC 4750 9 cr. Internship
Supportive Courses (10 hours)
HS 1570 2 cr. First Aid
PE 2140 2 cr. Movement Concepts & Dance
REC/PE 2360 2 cr. Aquatics for PE & Recreation
PE 2380 2 cr. Lifetime Sports
PE 2390 2 cr. Team Sports
Directed Electives (8-11 hours)
PSYC 2000 3 cr. Life Span Development
PSYC 4155 3 cr. Abnormal Psychology
Therapeutic Recreation Specialty (9 hours)
REC 3310 3 cr. Principles & Clinical Practices in TR
REC 4320 3 cr. Program Design & Evaluation in TR
REC 4440 3 cr. Issues, Trends, & Contemporary Problems in TR

Please note the following guidelines:

  • A grade of C or above is required in all recreation courses and supportive courses, either as transfer credit or completed at CSU.
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours must be completed at CSU with a cumulative GPA of 2.5.


Additional Programs

The post-baccalaureate certificate is designed to qualify students to attain the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) certificate by the National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). Courses completed in the program may be applied towards a master's degree. The certificate consists of 5 required courses and 1 elective course chosen between two courses.

The purpose of the certificate program in Recreation is to improve the racial/ethnic diversity of the Parks, Sports Administration and Therapeutic Recreation community. This certificate educates individuals in the area of recreation and prepares students for employment and career opportunities in the leisure profession. The purpose of the Recreation Certificate is to offer future and existing professionals foundational and cutting-edge knowledge within the field of Leisure Services. This purpose is accomplished through curricula designed specifically for current professionals as well as those seeking an entrance into diverse recreation fields. There are 7 courses total; 6 online and 1 hybrid. (20 Hours)

Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Parks, Recreation and Sports Administration concentration in conjunction with the College of Business, effective Spring 2021.The PRSA concentration is for management professionals interested in learning more about the leisure industry and associated career pathways. This is accomplished through curricula designed specifically for professionals in diverse fields. Foundational knowledge in PRSA will prepare students to pursue mid-to upper-level management positions in PRSA fields. These fields include but are not limited to local, state, and federal government parks and recreation agencies; university and college campus recreation divisions; hospitals, rehabilitation centers, outdoor recreation agencies, corporate and industry settings, non-profit organizations, and United States military bases and posts.

More Contact

Dr. June N. Price-Shingles

Director of Recreation Program

Chicago State University

Department of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation

JDC #216

Phone: (773) 995-3779
